Sobremesa Academy will teach you all of the tools you need to finally heal your relationship with food, with yourself, and with your body. Want to learn how to finally maintain your ideal healthy weight without even trying? Without a new diet or a new calorie tracker or any of that garbage? Jump right in sis.

But I need to warn you -- while it sounds magical, this work is not for the faint of heart. What I've learned over my years of dieting (and what I'm going to teach to you) is that the way we eat is much deeper than food. It's not as simple as just cutting certain foods out. In order to successfully rid yourself of the toxic diet world forever, it requires a bit of soul searching. But if you're willing to put in the work this one time, you will reap the benefits FOR LIFE YO.

So get to it!

Happy soul searching <3

"This was the thing that finally made my long-standing desires for food freedom, peace with my body, and sustainable healthy eating habits a reality. Her holistic approach, authenticity, and passion made this experience more than worthwhile. I have Sobremesa nutrition counseling to thank for the undoing of years of restricting/bingeing cycles and the growth of new joy and contentment."

-- Julia, Nutrition counseling client

"I have gained so much confidence and knowledge through this program. I have struggled with emotional eating my entire life and when I began learning to have a healthy relationship with food felt completely hopeless. In these six weeks, I have taken so many baby steps towards a healthy, balanced relationship with food."

- Nutrition counseling client

Hi! I’m Kaitlyn from

Sobremesa Nutrition.

I am so glad you have made your way to Sobremesa Academy to learn how to live your happiest, healthiest life and ditch your diet for good.

For years I struggled with diets. I would lose the same 7 pounds and gain them back over and over again. This crazy diet-binge cycle led me to a very lonely, isolated, and self-conscious place. I learned that the way we eat is a direct reflection of the way we see ourselves. That's when I began my own healing. And now, I eat freely whenever I want whatever I want and I am the same weight I've always struggled to be.

I am on a mission to prove to you that this is possible for you, for everyone. Diets will never work. Weight loss plans will never work. Wanna know how I know? How many have you done before?

That's how I know.

Join me in revolutionlizing the way we eat, the way we see ourselves, treat ourselves, and speak to ourselves.

And may you never diet again.

